My Max Out Friday! And Pre-Game Speech to Davie County High School!


Snatch 120k/1
C&J 143k/1&1
Squats 205k/5
Incline Bench 225/5,240/5

Today I had the honor of giving the Pre-Game Speech to the Davie County High School Varsity Football Team! I train most of the team, and have worked with most all of them. I had a great time telling them how Jesus took 12 Ordinary Men, and shaped them into 12 Extraordinary Disciples that changed the world.

Here are the points I made:

-Learn from mistakes as well as successes!

-Love your Brothers so much that you lose your own life for them!

-Learn from your coaches and leaders!

-Do all things for the a Glory of Christ!

-Never Ever Quit!

Attitude Nation and MashMafia Salute!

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