New Programming

This week is the beginning of all new programming at MashElite. The last 12 week cycle produced some huge PRs and MDUSAs newest Team Member Rebecca Gerdon. We watched as Eze Clean & Jerked an amount that he couldn’t deadlift two year ago 315lbs. The program is written for weightlifters, powerlifters, and Crossfitters which make it fairly unique. You just have to know the parts that are for you, and the parts that are not. For example Crossfitters drop the accessory work, and they have daily Met Cons instead that match the day’s workout. Powerlifters can drop the Oly Lifts, and Weightlifters can drop the bench press work. It is a very synergistic workout, and I am excited to bring it to my reader and followers. I will give you a workout daily. Now for my programming clients don’t be mad because this is a general workout that isn’t tailored to your specific needs. Today I am going to list yesterday and today’s workout:

New 12 Week Cycle May 26th

Week 1 May 26th to June1st

Monday (Crossfit Double Unders Warm Up & hurdle series)

Snatch 60×3,65×3,70x3x4(inc. weight if able)

Squats wk1 80/3, 703×2, 40%/5×1 5sec pause
Depth Box Jumps/5 x 2-3

Clean Pulls 100%x2x5 becoming Speed DLs no more than 80%
Standing Millitary Press HS, 65x3x2

GHRs ss Plank Core Work x 5
Or crossfit
800m run ss 10 pull-ups x 3

Tuesday (Muscle Ups practice or 5reps x 3)

Power Cleans 70x3x5(inc. weight if able)
Jerks Heavy single, 65/3×2

Pull-ups/5-8, Rows/10, & black burns x 3
or Crossfit
Burpee Box Jumps/10 ss Toes 2 Bar/10 12 minutes AMRAP

Any and all feedback is appreciated.

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