Rebecca Gerdon’s Squat Routine!

Rebecca and I

Rebecca’s Wrist Injury Squat Workout

Rebecca Gerdon is an original Mash Mafia Weightlifting athlete, and now she is my athlete again at Muscle Driver USA. A few weeks ago, she suffered a wrist break from a jerk gone badly. It was declared that she had been lifting with a broken wrist for over two years, so she is one tough chick no doubt.

A lot of people would sit around feeling sorry for themselves, but no Rebecca. She came to me requesting a squat routine that would get her stronger than ever. Our goal is a 400lb back squat. Right now her max is 330 pounds. Yes it’s a big goal, but at MDUSA we have “big goal” athletes.

Here is the way it looks:

Weeks 1-2 Hypertrophy Time

Day 1
Back Squat 10RM, then -5&-10% for 10
Goodmornings 3×10
Planks weighted 3 sets of 1-2 minutes

Day 2
Rear Leg Elevated BB Squats 3x10ea leg
Blackburns 20 sec ea position x 3

Day 3
Front Squats 5RM with 5 sec pause, then -5&-10% for 5
Zercher Deadlifts with weight elevated 4 inches off ground 5RM, then -5&-10% for 5
GHDs 3 x 10 reps

Day 4
Zercher Squats 5 RM, then -5&-10% for 5
BB Step Ups 10 reps ea leg x 3 sets

Day 5
Back Squat pause 3 seconds in bottom 3RM, then -5&-10% for 3
Squats weight starts on Pins from bottom position 5RM, then -10% for 5
Zercher RDLs 3x8reps

Weeks 3-4 More Hypertrophy but a little Heavier

Day 1
Back Squat 8RM, then -5&-10% for 8
Goodmornings 3×8
Planks weighted 3 sets of 1-2 minutes

Day 2
Rear Leg Elevated BB Squats 8 reps x 3 sets
Blackburns 20 sec ea position x 3
Elbow Dips 10 reps x 3

Day 3
Front Squats 4RM with 3 sec pause, then -5&-10% for 4
Zercher Deadlifts with weight elevated 4 inches off ground 4RM, then -5&-10% for 4
GHDs 3 x 10 reps

Day 4
Zercher Squats 4 RM, then -5&-10% for 4
BB Step Ups 8 reps ea leg x 3 sets

Day 5
Back Squat pause 3 seconds in bottom 3RM, then -5&-10% for 3
Squats weight starts on Pins from bottom position 4RM, then -10% for 4
Zercher RDLs 3x8reps

Weeks 5-8 Time to Get Strong

Day 1
Back Squat 5RM, then -5&-10% for 5
Goodmornings 3×5
Planks weighted 3 sets of 1-2 minutes

Day 2
Rear Leg Elevated BB Squats 5 reps x 3 sets
Blackburns 20 sec ea position x 3
Elbow Dips 10 reps x 3

Day 3
Front Squats 3RM with 3 sec pause, then -5&-10% for 3 (Drop 1 sec each week)
Zercher Deadlifts with weight elevated 4 inches off ground 3RM, then -5&-10% for 3
GHDs 3 x 10 reps (continue to increase difficulty either with weight or tempo)

Day 4
Zercher Squats 3 RM, then -5&-10% for 3
BB Lunges 8 reps x 3 sets

Day 5
Back Squat pause 5 seconds in bottom 1RM, then -15% for 3×3 all paused (Drop a second each week)
Squats weight starts on Pins from bottom position 3RM, then -10% for 3
Zercher RDLs 3x5reps

Weeks 9-11 Absolute Strength

Day 1
Back Squat 3RM, then -5&-10% for 3
Goodmorning/Squat Combo 3×8
Planks weighted 3 sets of 1-2 minutes

Day 2
Elevated Split Squats 8 reps ea leg x 3 sets
Blackburns 20 sec ea position x 3
Elbow Dips 10 reps x 3

Day 3
Front Squats 1RM with 3 sec pause, then -15% for 3×3 (Drop 1 sec each week)
Zercher DLs Elevated 4 Inches off Floor 8RM, then -10% for 8
GHDs 3 x 10 reps (continue to increase difficulty either with weight or tempo)

Day 4
Zercher BB Lunges from Rack 8 reps ea leg x 3 sets
BB Step Ups 8 reps ea leg x 3 sets

Day 5
Back Squat pause 3 seconds in bottom 5RM, then -5 and -10% for 5 all paused (Drop a second each week)
Zercher RDLs with 25 lbs of chains 3x5reps

Weeks 12 Taper Week

Day 1
Back Squat -10% of best 3RM for 3×3
Goodmorning/Squat Combo off
Planks weighted 3 sets of 1-2 minutes

Day 2
Elevated Split Squats 5 reps ea leg x 3 sets

Day 3
Front Squats 1RM
GHDs 3 x 5 reps Bodyweight

Day 4

Day 5
Back Squat max

This is it! The goal is to not lose any starting strength for her pulls, and to increase her squat as much as possible. If you have any questions, ask them here, and I will try to answer. I’ll probably make a few videos explaining a few of these exercises.

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11 thoughts on “Rebecca Gerdon’s Squat Routine!”

  1. Are some of the movements because of the broken wrist ie, zercher squats or would you program these for an athlete with healthy wrists?

  2. What’s the deal with the zerchers? I’ve never found them to be very helpful. I understand it helps with the back and posterior chain but you an get more from back extensions and the good mornings no?

  3. When you say 5&10% do you mean to back off 5% for a set of 10 and then back off 10% for another set of 10?

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