Flexible Dieting Lifestyle with Zach Rocheleau – The Barbell Life 198

Let me show you two pictures of Zach Rocheleau.

So I know you’re going to be interested in listening to this one.

But just in case, check this out: This guy left a high paying job on Wall Street to start a gym from his parent’s garage (which he grew into a huge gym in just two years). Then he moved on from there to be a nutrition coach. He’s come back from a torn psoas (I’ve never heard of anyone tearing that before) to have some pretty good wheels on him now.

When I saw Zach, I was wondering who this kid is and how he thinks he’s had enough life experience to really know anything. Then when he started talking, I was blow away.

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  • Refeeds, paleo, IIFYM, gluten, micronutrients, reverse dieting, and more
  • Why an economics degree was actually a great thing for him
  • Finding his “why” while in a wheelchair
  • Crushing cravings with cooking
  • How to not have to measure for the rest of your life
  • and more…

1 thought on “Flexible Dieting Lifestyle with Zach Rocheleau – The Barbell Life 198”

  1. Justin Kaplan

    Hello Zach,
    I am a junior in college and have an amazing idea which follows your ideas of eating right and tracking macros! I could really use some help to start the business, I have a few samples and your youtube channel, which I am a new subscriber, has shown me that you would be a perfect business partner.
    Thank you in advance for your time.
    Justin Kaplan

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