Martin Rooney on Training for Warriors and Being Strong as You Age – The Barbell Life 269

Martin Rooney has been in the coaching game for a long time.

He is a master of preparing athletes for the NFL combine, but he’s also well-known for being the creator of Training for Warriors.

Coach Rooney is an expert at getting people strong and fast – but doing it in a way that prepares them for life. This is particularly important as we get older. You can’t train the same way at 50 and at 25 – and life’s demands aren’t the same for you at 50 and at 25.

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3 thoughts on “Martin Rooney on Training for Warriors and Being Strong as You Age – The Barbell Life 269”

  1. Great info all the way around especially enjoyed part of having to really take a look at yourself and why u are trying something u really dont need. I.e. 500lb squats etc at 50plus y/o. Thanks

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