I trained late after work today, so I was happy with how the session went. This session was my first taste of the Mash Method and it worked just like Travis said it would. I did a super set with the two biggest lifts of the session because like I said it was a late session.
Back Squats: Alternating between a set of 3 and a set of 10.
120×3, 90×10, 125×3, 95×10, 130×3, 100×10
Strict Press: Alternating between a set of 3 and a set of 10.
48×3, 36×10, 50×3, 40×10, 54×2, 40×10
I knocked out all twelve sets including the warm-up in around 30 minutes.
Deficit RDL’s: 3×8 at 60kg