Saturday – February 26th, 2017

Week 12 Post ankle Surgery.

This week of training was very similar to last weeks. So I’ll spare you the details of every single thing I did everyday, and just give a quick summary instead.  No feet power snatches, no feet power cleans, kang squats, RDL’s and all the upper body and core work.

Two highlights of the week. A 65kg, no feet power-ish power snatch, and 70kgs for 2 no feet-ish power cleans. Weights are feeling surprisingly light  (even though relative to what I’ve done in the past, they are) , and I’m moving really fast. If you’ve kept up with my training log at all, you would have seen me do lots and lots of kneeling snatches and kneeling cleans while I was still in my cast and boot. You will have also read that some days I hated the crap out of them. However, all the frustration paid off. I feel much faster at the hips, and just have a better overall awareness of what’s going on in the middle of my pull.

I wasn’t supposed to work up that heavy in the snatch, but coach Don took the day off, which left coach Trav to instigate and hype me up. They are seriously the perfect coaching duo. Coach Don, the rational technician, and Coach Trav, the aggressing hype man. Perfect balance. (Except for when one’s gone and I do things I’m not supposed to and end up grounded with no peanut butter. hahaha)

Anyways, Saturday’s, since I can’t squat heavy yet, are a day of conditioning/active recovery for me. Really I just come to the gym to hang out with the team and get out of the house.

  • 5000M row
  • A billion body weight lunges
  • lots of stretching

Days Until My next Doc appointment: 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bodyweight: 60.7


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