Saturday – March 12, 2017

Week 14 Post ankle surgery.

Satrudays are now for squats. I couldn’t be more happy about this!! All the volumes. I forgot how hungry squats make you, this is going to take some adjusting to hahaha.

  • Squat 80×10, 90×5, 100×3, 85×10, 95×5, 105×3, 90×10, 100×5, 110×3, 115×3, 120×3
    • This was my 1st day that coach Don allowed me to start pushing my squats a bit, I definitely underestimated my leg strength. The workout was probable a bit easier than it was supposed to be, but it’s okay because now I have plenty of room to grow. I didn’t wear knee sleeves or a belt until my last two sets of three. My goal leading up to nationals is to wear them as little as possible, only for heavy attempts and sets
  • Row 3×3:00 with 3:00 rest

That’s all for Saturday. My upper body was toast from playing handstands and handstand pushups at night after training. Totally work it though, because I ended up getting 18 strict handstand pushups, which is A LOT for me!!

Bodyweight: 61.1 kg

10 weeks out!!

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