Saturday October 26th! Last Day of Hell Week 1!

Day 6
Squats max 5, then -5% and -10%
Incline Bench max 5 then -5% and -10%
Deadlift 1RM deficit pull on 2″ Blocks, 80%/3×2
Snatch Grip Push Press 3x5reps

It was interesting to see how my athletes were all affected so differently from the increase in volume. I saw some set PRs, while others were 20k off. My two overachievers of the week were: Brealon with a huge 110k Snatch PR and Camilla Nolen, one of my online MashMafia Members, hit a 120# Snatch(5lb PR)!

Next week will be the highest volume of the entire 12 week cycle, so buckle up! Survive next week, and you’re in the clear!

Drew also did well with the volume! She hit 202lbsx4, and her previous best with this weight was 2! Check out her PR Front Squat:

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