September 30th, 2013 Taper Time! Scuba Steve PRs Again!

Next 2 Weeks Taper Time

Wk 1

Snatch 80/1, 85/1, 90/1, 83/1,87/1,92/1,95,?
Clean & Jerk 85/1&1 x 2
Squat 1RM (if your front squat is less than 20k above your clean subtract 20%/3)
Pullups 3 sets of 10 ss GHRs/8×3 (skip if Crossfit)

Met Con
3 rounds for time of:

Run 400m
8 Bar Muscle-Ups
16 OHS 135/95#

Here is today’s workout! Taper time Baby! The wav loading on the Snatch is an awesome programming trick that my first Olympic Weightlifting Coach taught me! Notice the volume on the squats decrease while we anticipate increased intensity levels on the Olympic movements!

Here is MashMafia Member Scuba hitting a PR in the Clean of 141k/310lbs at a Bodyweight of 77k/85k! He’s only been training the Olympic lifts for 6 months!

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