Special Events for the LEAN Fitness Soft Grand Opening

Special Events for the LEAN Fitness Soft Grand Opening

I have already talked a little about some of the super charged guests that will be coming to our new facilities soft grand opening. However I want to mention two specific events that you don’t want to miss. First L.E.A.N. Fitness Systems is basically the host facility for both Mash Elite Athletic Performance and TFW Winston-Salem. It’s our way of bridging the two systems. TFW is focused on adult fitness and personal training. Mash Elite is focused on the athletes. Movement is the key that bridges the two. Anyways back to the crazy awesome events!

1. At 3pm Coach Joe Kenn, Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Carolina Panthers and NSCA Strength Coach of the Year for the past two years will be giving a short talk on Athletic Performance.

2. Also Dr. Lawrence Gray, Coach Mash and Coach Mason’s longtime soft tissue doctor, will be onsite to provide computerized low back and running gait assessments. This will be part of our protocol ongoing as we look to assess to match our programming to each individual’s strengths and weaknesses. This will also allow us to quantify improvement.

For more information regarding our facility and programs, check out this article:

L.E.A.N. Fitness Systems

I hope to see all of you at the Soft Grand Opening Dec. 16th. If you are interested in coming, email us at ⇒ Chris@tfw-WS.com


The Facebook Event by clicking here: ⇒ Soft Grand Opening

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