Sunday 1/15/17

Had to take Saturday off because of an ear infection that was making me dizzy. Also lost my voice completely just from being sick all week and still coaching and needing to be loud.

A) Power Clean + Clean & Jerk:

  • 5 sets @ 195#

B) Front Squat @ 240# for 8 sets (try to beat 21 reps)

  • 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3 = 22 reps total

C1) Barbell Press: 5 sets @ 90#

  • 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

C2) Bentover Barbell Row:

  • 5×5 @ 140#

D1) DB Press AMRAP

  • 30#/hand x 10, 9 ,8

D2) Rear Delt Flyes:

  • 15#/hand for 3×25
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