Sunday September 29th, 5 Hints for Weightlifters, & 5 Hints for Sports Performance


Day Off

The next two weeks will be our major taper period, and we are expecting major PRs! This has been the best MashMafia training cycle of all-time with PRs falling weekly. Here are some keys for athletes and coaches that I learned during this cycle:

1. Take notes at each practice to see what individual members of the team need work on.

2. Don’t be afraid to individualize things! It’s the only way to assure that all team members are taken care of.

3. A program should be a living document that grows with the team. A good coach will be able to make weekly improvements.

4. Rookies need the full lifts to improve movement patterns!

5. Get your athlete stronger while improving their positions equals PRs!

With my MashMafia sport performance athletes I’ve noticed these five truths:

1. If I improve my athlete’s sprint mechanics and get them stronger, they get faster.

2. If I work with my Athletes on agility, and they get stronger, then they get more agile.

3. If I work with my athletes on vertical leap mechanics and Plyometrics, and they get stronger, then they jump higher.

4. Focus on what’s important everyday. That’s from Dan John!

5. Don’t neglect nutrition for your athletes!

Check out this video of MashMafia member Brealon Ashworth:

For more information on Learn 2 Lift Seminars, Training at Mash Elite, or any of our awesome products go to:

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