The All American Superhero Workout

Learn 2 Lift Seminars are coming to Roscoe, IL, Columbia, MD, Livonia, MI, and Zach Even-Esh and I are teaming up for two big combo Certs. in September and October. Click here to check them out!

Don’t miss The September 5th Labor Day Mash Strength Spectacular! Powerlifting, Weightlifting, Strongman, and GridStyle all together on our 10 acre farm. Hurry because Early Bird Specials End July 15th!

Below my friend Gunnar Anderson lays out a full 8 week bodybuilding workout and nutrition. Remember this is what he suggest. I am not prescribing. I hate that that I am required to say that. lol Enjoy this article of iron!

The All American Superhero Workout

Gunnar Arms

This program is a mix of old school and new school principals, capturing some of the best of both. It is intense and isn’t necessarily for those just beginning a training regimen. The program is divided into four phases, each designed to test your muscles to their limits. This is a high intensity muscle building, fat burning program. These workouts should take no more than an hour and a half, and should push you to your absolute limit.

Week one:
Monday: Chest and Back and abs

1) Incline Db Bench 3×12-15 Superset with Lat Pull downs 3×12-15
2) Flat db Bench 3×12-15 superset with Tbar rows 3×12-15
3) Seated Cable row superset with incline flys both 3×12-15
4) Cable crossovers high to low superset with rear delt flys 3×12-15
5) Hanging leg raises 3×15-20
6) Crunches 3×25-40

End the workout with a series of push ups and pull ups or dips or some other body weight exercise done until failure. After this I did light cardio for about 15 minutes, usually walking at an incline or the stair master; enough to build up a good sweat.

Tuesday: Legs

1) Box squat or regular squat (I did box for four weeks, then switched to regular) 3×12-15
2) RDL’s from box 3×12-15
3) Single leg press 3×12-15
4) Leg extensions superset with leg curls 3×12-15
5) Standing calf raises 4×15-20
6) Seated calf raises 3×15-20

End the workout on a bodyweight Quad matrix. 15 squats, 15 lunges (each leg), 15 prison squat jumps, 15 Russian hops (each leg). Immediately following this Stretch! I was super tight every time I finished this workout. Try to get 10-15 minutes light cardio in afterwards.

Wednesday: Shoulders:

1) Seated Db Arnold presses (Slow and controlled) 3×12-15
2) Upright BB rows 3×12-15
3) Seated (no back rest!) Kettle Bell press 3×12-15
4) Lateral raises superset with front raises 3×12-15 each
5) Rear delt cable flys 3×12-15
6) Db or bb shrug 4×15-20

Stretch your shoulders out afterwards, they’ll be nice and tight. Finish the workout with 10-15 minutes of light cardio.

Thursday: Biceps, triceps, calves and abs:

1) Preacher curls superset with skull crushers 3×12-15
2) Incline db curls superset with cable press downs 3×12-15
3) Dips (weighted or not) superset with Single arm isolation db curls 3×12-15
4) Standing calf raises 3×15-20
5) Seated calf raises 3×15-20
6) Standing Oblique crunches with plate or kettle bell 4×15-20
7) Hanging leg raises side to side 3×20-25
8) Crunches (from the floor or from a declined bench) 3×30-50

End with 15 to 20 minutes of light cardio.

Friday: Back and Chest:

1) Barbell bench press superset with behind the neck pull downs 3×12-15
2) Incline db bench press superset with seated cable rows 3×12-15
3) Cable crossovers high to low superset with underhand grip bb row 3×12-15
4) Dips superset with close grip pull ups 3×12-15
5) Straight arm db pullovers or straight arm cable pull downs 4×12-15

End with light cardio 15-20 minutes

Week two:

Different muscle grouping, same rep range

Monday: Chest and Shoulders:

1) Db incline bench press 4×12-15
2) Db flat bench press 4×12-15
3) Kettle bell seated press 3×12-15
4) Seated db Arnold press 3×12-15
5) Db incline flys 3×12-15
6) Db or BB shrugs 4×15-20

End with light cardio

Tuesday: Back and Legs

1) Pull ups 3×12-15 (if not pull ups cable pull downs)
2) One arm db row 3×12-15
3) rear delt db flys 3×12-15
4) Squat (box or regular) 3×12-15
5) RDL’s from box 3×12-15
6) Leg press 3×12-15
7) Standing calf raises 4×12-15
8) Seated calf raises 3×12-15

End the workout on a bodyweight Quad matrix. 15 squats, 15 lunges (each leg), 15 prison squat jumps, 15 Russian hops (each leg). Immediately following this Stretch! I was super tight every time I finished this workout. Try to get 10-15 minutes light cardio in afterwards.

Wednesday: Biceps/ triceps/ abs

1) Rope pull downs superset with standing EZ bar curls 3×12-15
2) Db triceps kickbacks superset with db hammer curls 3×12-15
3) Db isolation curls superset with db overhead extensions 3×12-15
4) Hanging side to side leg raises 3×15-20
5) Crunches 3×35-50
6) Planks 3x 60 second holds

End with light cardio for 15-20 minutes

Thursday: Chest and Shoulders

1) Incline bb bench press 3×12-15
2) Flat db alternating bench press 3×12-15
3) Cable crossovers high to low 3×12-15
4) Lateral raises 3×12-15
5) Front raises 3×12-15
6) Upright rows 3×12-15
7) Bb shrugs 3×12-15

End with light cardio and plenty of stretching

Friday: Back and legs

1) Cable pull downs (reverse grip) 3×12-15
2) Single arm seated cable row (slow and controlled) 3×12-15
3) Rear delt cable flys 3×12-15
4) Leg extensions 4×12-15
5) Leg curls 4×12-15
6) Walking lunges 3×12-15
7) Standing calf raises 3×12-15
8) Seated calf raises 3×12-15
9) Standing Oblique crunches with KB or plate 3×12-15
10) Hanging straight leg raises 3×15-20

Stretch out and go for 15-20 minutes of cardio.

Week three:

Drop the reps, add another plate. You should be using heavier weight than you were on Week One.

Arnold Pose

Monday: Chest and Back and abs

1) Flat barbell Bench 3×8-10 Superset with Lat Pull downs 3×8-10
2) Incline Barbell Bench 3×8-10 superset with Tbar rows 3×8-10
3) Seated Cable row superset with incline flys both 3×8-10
4) Cable crossovers high to low superset with rear delt flys 3×8-10
5) Hanging leg raises 3×12-15
6) Crunches 3×25-40

End the workout with a series of push ups and pull ups or dips or some other body weight exercise done until failure. After this I did light cardio for about 15 minutes, usually walking at an incline or the stair master; enough to build up a good sweat.

Tuesday: Legs

1) Box squat or regular squat (I did box for four weeks, then switched to regular) 3×8-10
2) RDL’s from box 3×8-10
3) Single leg press 3×8-10
4) Leg extensions superset with leg curls 3×8-10
5) Standing calf raises 4×8-10
6) Seated calf raises 4×8-10

End the workout on a bodyweight Quad matrix. 15 squats, 15 lunges (each leg), 15 prison squat jumps, 15 Russian hops (each leg). Immediately following this Stretch! I was super tight every time I finished this workout. Try to get 10-15 minutes light cardio in afterwards.

Wednesday: Shoulders:

1) Seated Db Arnold presses (Slow and controlled) 3×8-10
2) Upright BB rows 3×8-10
3) Seated (no back rest!) Kettle Bell press 3×8-10
4) Lateral raises superset with front raises 3×8-10 each
5) Rear delt cable flys 3×8-10
6) Db or bb shrug 4×8-10

Stretch your shoulders out afterwards, they’ll be nice and tight. Finish the workout with 10-15 minutes of light cardio.

Thursday: Biceps, triceps, calves and abs:

1) Preacher curls superset with skull crushers 3×8-10
2) Incline db curls superset with cable press downs 3×8-10
3) Dips (weighted or not) superset with Single arm isolation db curls 3×8-10
4) Standing calf raises 3×8-10
5) Seated calf raises 3×8-10
6) Standing Oblique crunches with plate or kettle bell 4×12-15
7) Hanging leg raises side to side 3×12-15
8) Crunches (from the floor or from a declined bench) 3×20-30

End with 15 to 20 minutes of light cardio.

Friday: Back and Chest:

1) Barbell bench press superset with behind the neck pull downs 3×8-10
2) Incline db bench press superset with seated cable rows 3×8-10
3) Cable crossovers high to low superset with underhand grip bb row 3×8-10
4) Dips superset with close grip pull ups 3×8-10
5) Straight arm db pullovers or straight arm cable pull downs 4×8-10

End with light cardio 15-20 minutes

Week four:

Keep pushing. You’ve made it to the half way point.

Monday: Chest and Shoulders:

1) Db incline bench press 4×8-10
2) Db flat bench press 4×8-10
3) Kettle bell seated press 3×8-10
4) Seated db Arnold press 3×8-10
5) Db incline flys 3×8-10
6) Db or BB shrugs 4×8-10

End with light cardio

Tuesday: Back and Legs

1) Pull ups 3×8-10 (if not pull ups cable pull downs)
2) One arm db row 3×8-10
3) rear delt db flys 3×8-10
4) Squat (box or regular) 3×8-10
5) RDL’s from box 3×8-10
6) Leg press 3×8-10
7) Standing calf raises 4×8-10
8) Seated calf raises 3×8-10

End the workout on a bodyweight Quad matrix. 15 squats, 15 lunges (each leg), 15 prison squat jumps, 15 Russian hops (each leg). Immediately following this Stretch! I was super tight every time I finished this workout. Try to get 10-15 minutes light cardio in afterwards.

Wednesday: Biceps/ triceps/ abs

1) Rope pull downs superset with standing EZ bar curls 3×8-10
2) Db triceps kickbacks superset with db hammer curls 3×8-10
3) Db isolation curls superset with db overhead extensions 3×8-10
4) Hanging side to side leg raises 3×12-15
5) Crunches 3×20-30
6) Planks 3x 60 second holds

End with light cardio for 15-20 minutes

Thursday: Chest and Shoulders

1) Incline bb bench press 3×8-10
2) Flat db alternating bench press 3×8-10
3) Cable crossovers high to low 3×8-10
4) Lateral raises 3×8-10
5) Front raises 3×8-10
6) Upright rows 3×8-10
7) Bb shrugs 3×8-10

End with light cardio and plenty of stretching

Friday: Back and legs

1) Cable pull downs (reverse grip) 3×8-10
2) Single arm seated cable row (slow and controlled) 3×8-10
3) Rear delt cable flys 3×8-10
4) Leg extensions 4×8-10
5) Leg curls 4×8-10
6) Walking lunges 3×8-10
7) Standing calf raises 3×8-10
8) Seated calf raises 3×8-10
9) Standing Oblique crunches with KB or plate 3×12-15
10) Hanging straight leg raises 3×15-20

Stretch out and go for 15-20 minutes of cardio.

Week Five:

Drop the reps again, add another plate. This phase is designed for gaining strength.

Monday: Chest and Back and abs

1) Incline Db Bench 3×5-8 Superset with Lat Pull downs 3×5-8
2) Flat db Bench 3×5-8 superset with Tbar rows 3×5-8
3) Seated Cable row superset with incline flys both 3×5-8
4) Cable crossovers high to low superset with rear delt flys 3×5-8
5) Hanging leg raises 3×15
6) Crunches 3×25

End the workout with a series of push ups and pull ups or dips or some other body weight exercise done until failure. After this I did light cardio for about 15 minutes, usually walking at an incline or the stair master; enough to build up a good sweat.

Tuesday: Legs

1) Box squat or regular squat (I did box for four weeks, then switched to regular) 3×5-8
2) RDL’s from box 3×5-8
3) Single leg press 3×5-8
4) Leg extensions superset with leg curls 3×5-8
5) Standing calf raises 4×5-8
6) Seated calf raises 3×5-8

End the workout on a bodyweight Quad matrix. 15 squats, 15 lunges (each leg), 15 prison squat jumps, 15 Russian hops (each leg). Immediately following this Stretch! I was super tight every time I finished this workout. Try to get 10-15 minutes light cardio in afterwards.

Wednesday: Shoulders:

1) Seated Db Arnold presses (Slow and controlled) 3×5-8
2) Upright BB rows 3×5-8
3) Seated (no back rest!) Kettle Bell press 3×5-8
4) Lateral raises superset with front raises 3×5-8 each
5) Rear delt cable flys 3×5-8
6) Db or bb shrug 4×5-8

Stretch your shoulders out afterwards, they’ll be nice and tight. Finish the workout with 10-15 minutes of light cardio.

Thursday: Biceps, triceps, calves and abs:

1) Preacher curls superset with skull crushers 3×5-8
2) Incline db curls superset with cable press downs 3×5-8
3) Dips (weighted or not) superset with Single arm isolation db curls 3×5-8
4) Standing calf raises 3×5-8
5) Seated calf raises 3×5-8
6) Standing Oblique crunches with plate or kettle bell 4×5-8
7) Hanging leg raises side to side 3×5-8
8) Crunches (from the floor or from a declined bench) 3×5-8

End with 15 to 20 minutes of light cardio.

Friday: Back and Chest:

1) Barbell bench press superset with behind the neck pull downs 3×5-8
2) Incline db bench press superset with seated cable rows 3×5-8
3) Cable crossovers high to low superset with underhand grip bb row 3×5-8
4) Dips superset with close grip pull ups 3×5-8
5) Straight arm db pullovers or straight arm cable pull downs 4×5-8

End with light cardio 15-20 minutes

Week six:

You’re almost a Superhero. Keep building your strength.

Monday: Chest and Shoulders:

1) Db incline bench press 4×5-8
2) Db flat bench press 4×5-8
3) Kettle bell seated press 3×5-8
4) Seated db Arnold press 3×5-8
5) Db incline flys 3×5-8
6) Db or BB shrugs 4×5-8

End with light cardio

Tuesday: Back and Legs

1) Pull ups 3×5-8 (if not pull ups cable pull downs)
2) One arm db row 3×5-8
3) rear delt db flys 3×5-8
4) Squat (box or regular) 3×5-8
5) RDL’s from box 3×5-8
6) Leg press 3×5-8
7) Standing calf raises 4×10-12
8) Seated calf raises 3×10-12

End the workout on a bodyweight Quad matrix. 15 squats, 15 lunges (each leg), 15 prison squat jumps, 15 Russian hops (each leg). Immediately following this Stretch! I was super tight every time I finished this workout. Try to get 10-15 minutes light cardio in afterwards.

Wednesday: Biceps/ triceps/ abs

1) Rope pull downs superset with standing EZ bar curls 3×12-15
2) Db triceps kickbacks superset with db hammer curls 3×12-15
3) Db isolation curls superset with db overhead extensions 3×12-15
4) Hanging side to side leg raises 3×15-20
5) Crunches 3×35-50
6) Planks 3x 60 second holds

End with light cardio for 15-20 minutes

Thursday: Chest and Shoulders

1) Incline bb bench press 3×12-15
2) Flat db alternating bench press 3×12-15
3) Cable crossovers high to low 3×12-15
4) Lateral raises 3×12-15
5) Front raises 3×12-15
6) Upright rows 3×12-15
7) Bb shrugs 3×12-15
End with light cardio and plenty of stretching

Friday: Back and legs
1) Cable pull downs (reverse grip) 3×12-15
2) Single arm seated cable row (slow and controlled) 3×12-15
3) Rear delt cable flys 3×12-15
4) Leg extensions 4×12-15
5) Leg curls 4×12-15
6) Walking lunges 3×12-15
7) Standing calf raises 3×12-15
8) Seated calf raises 3×12-15
9) Standing Oblique crunches with KB or plate 3×12-15
10) Hanging straight leg raises 3×15-20
Stretch out and go for 15-20 minutes of cardio.

Week seven:
Let’s see what you’ve got. Try to stay as close to last week’s weight as possible. These last two weeks should force you past your so called limits.
Monday: Chest and Back and abs
7) Incline Db Bench 3×12-15 Superset with Lat Pull downs 3×15-25
8) Flat db Bench 3×12-15 superset with Tbar rows 3×15-25
9) Seated Cable row superset with incline flys both 3×15-25
10) Cable crossovers high to low superset with rear delt flys 3×15-25
11) Hanging leg raises 3×15-25
12) Crunches 3×25-40

End the workout with a series of push ups and pull ups or dips or some other body weight exercise done until failure. After this I did light cardio for about 15 minutes, usually walking at an incline or the stair master; enough to build up a good sweat.

Tuesday: Legs
7) Box squat or regular squat (I did box for four weeks, then switched to regular) 3×15-25
8) RDL’s from box 3×15-25
9) Single leg press 3×15-25
10) Leg extensions superset with leg curls 3×15-25
11) Standing calf raises 4×15-25
12) Seated calf raises 3×15-25

End the workout on a bodyweight Quad matrix. 15 squats, 15 lunges (each leg), 15 prison squat jumps, 15 Russian hops (each leg). Immediately following this Stretch! I was super tight every time I finished this workout. Try to get 10-15 minutes light cardio in afterwards.

Wednesday: Shoulders:

7) Seated Db Arnold presses (Slow and controlled) 3×15-25
8) Upright BB rows 3×15-25
9) Seated (no back rest!) Kettle Bell press 3×15-25
10) Lateral raises superset with front raises 3×15-25 each
11) Rear delt cable flys 3×15-25
12) Db or bb shrug 4×15-25

Stretch your shoulders out afterwards, they’ll be nice and tight. Finish the workout with 10-15 minutes of light cardio.

Thursday: Biceps, triceps, calves and abs:

9) Preacher curls superset with skull crushers 3×15-25
10) Incline db curls superset with cable press downs 3×15-25
11) Dips (weighted or not) superset with Single arm isolation db curls 3×15-25
12) Standing calf raises 3×15-25
13) Seated calf raises 3×15-25
14) Standing Oblique crunches with plate or kettle bell 4×20-30
15) Hanging leg raises side to side 3×20-25
16) Crunches (from the floor or from a declined bench) 3×30-50
End with 15 to 20 minutes of light cardio.

Friday: Back and Chest:

6) Barbell bench press superset with behind the neck pull downs 3×15-25
7) Incline db bench press superset with seated cable rows 3×15-25
8) Cable crossovers high to low superset with underhand grip bb row 3×15-25
9) Dips superset with close grip pull ups 3×15-25
10) Straight arm db pullovers or straight arm cable pull downs 4×15-25
End with light cardio 15-20 minutes

Week eight:

Finish strong.

Monday: Chest and Shoulders:

7) Db incline bench press 4×15-25
8) Db flat bench press 4×15-25
9) Kettle bell seated press 3×15-25
10) Seated db Arnold press 3×15-25
11) Db incline flys 3×15-25
12) Db or BB shrugs 4×15-25
End with light cardio

Tuesday: Back and Legs

9) Pull ups 3×15-25 (if not pull ups cable pull downs)
10) One arm db row 3×15-25
11) rear delt db flys 3×15-25
12) Squat (box or regular) 3×15-25
13) RDL’s from box 3×15-25
14) Leg press 3×15-25
15) Standing calf raises 4×15-25
16) Seated calf raises 3×15-25

End the workout on a bodyweight Quad matrix. 15 squats, 15 lunges (each leg), 15 prison squat jumps, 15 Russian hops (each leg). Immediately following this Stretch! I was super tight every time I finished this workout. Try to get 10-15 minutes light cardio in afterwards.

Wednesday: Biceps/ triceps/ abs

7) Rope pull downs superset with standing EZ bar curls 3×15-25
8) Db triceps kickbacks superset with db hammer curls 3×15-25
9) Db isolation curls superset with db overhead extensions 3×15-25
10) Hanging side to side leg raises 3×15-25
11) Crunches 3×15-25
12) Planks 3x 60 second holds
End with light cardio for 15-20 minutes

Thursday: Chest and Shoulders

8) Incline bb bench press 3×15-25
9) Flat db alternating bench press 3×15-25
10) Cable crossovers high to low 3×15-25
11) Lateral raises 3×15-25
12) Front raises 3×15-25
13) Upright rows 3×15-25
14) Bb shrugs 3×15-25

End with light cardio and plenty of stretching

Friday: Back and legs

11) Cable pull downs (reverse grip) 3×15-25
12) Single arm seated cable row (slow and controlled) 3×15-25
13) Rear delt cable flys 3×15-25
14) Leg extensions 4×15-25
15) Leg curls 4×15-25
16) Walking lunges 3×15-25
17) Standing calf raises 3×15-25
18) Seated calf raises 3×15-25
19) Standing Oblique crunches with KB or plate 3×15-25
20) Hanging straight leg raises 3×15-25

Stretch out and go for 15-20 minutes of cardio.

On days when you are working biceps after a back session, or any other muscle that could conflict with another, be sure to get a good bit of stretching and warming up. Working back to back like this is not terrible and it’s something I’ve done in many other splits, but it can be a bit jarring if you aren’t used to it.

Follow the reps by week like so:
Weeks 1 and 2 perform 12-15 reps.
Weeks 3 and 4 perform 8-10 reps.
Weeks 5 and 6 perform 5-8 reps.
Weeks 7 and 8 perform 15-25 reps.

The Diet I used while doing this program:
• Four eggs
• one slice fat free cheese
• Kashi go lean cereal (or oat meal)
• fat free skim milk
• Cellucor CLK (2 capsules)
Midmorning snack (2 hours later)
• Can of pineapple chunks
• 1 serving fat free cottage cheese or Greek yogurt
• 1 scoop Cellucor Whey Protein in water
Lunch (2 hours later)
• 8 oz. (approximately) chicken breast or fish filet
• Broccoli
• whole grain wild rice or sweet potato or black beans
• Cellucor CLK (2 capsules)
Afternoon snack (1.5-2 hours pre workout)
• Can of tuna (Single serving)
• Mixed greens and spinach salad with light balsamic dressing (low sodium)
• handful of almonds
• Cellucor Alpha Amino
30 Mins before workout
• 1 banana,
• 1 scoop low fat/low sodium Peanut Butter
• I used Cellucor’s N0 Extreme pre workout. No creatine, plus an added fat burner complex. Really solid product if you haven’t tried it out.
• During my workout I used either another scoop of Cellucor Alpha Amino, or Cellucor BCAA’s. Water works just fine too.
• Post workout I did 1 scoop of Cellucor Whey.
• Oz chicken breast, tilapia, salmon or tuna.
• Asparagus
• Sweet potato or Whole grain wild rice
• Cellucor CLK (2 capsules)

Before bed
Cottage cheese or Chobani Greek Yogurt individual serving, Cellucor ZMA
Typically one night (or 2) on the weekend I would treat myself to a steak. Grill it at home and try for a lean cut. Even a lean cut will be delicious after a week of chicken and fish.

Notice that I used quite a few supplements during this. Sense these workouts are high intensity, supplements are a good idea, but they are never essential. As long as you’re getting quality foods in your body you’ll be fine without. However, I do recommend them. And yes, Cellucor is my favorite brand.

Again I had a blast doing this program and the results were great. I hope you guys see similar ones if you try it out!
Tell your friends to follow me @theonepecwonder


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