The Coaches Answer Your Questions

On The Barbell Life Podcast we strive to produce shows that benefit our listeners. I invite people on our show who have something to offer our audience. I choose our topics and questions based on what I believe are most valuable to all of you. But once in a while, we get to do a show that I know is valuable to all of you. Once in a while we record our Q&A podcasts that consist of us answering questions you guys and gals have emailed us.

These Q&A episodes are by far my favorite – and today is one of those shows. But even better – today we’re joined by Coach Crystal and Coach Jacky from our online teams.

Some Great Questions

We answer a few nutrition questions during this show. Some people struggle with fat loss – I get it for sure now that I am 44 years old. In this show we give you some insight on ways to kick start that fat loss. We also discuss dealing with plateaus after losing significant amounts of weight. Spoiler alert: it may not be what you think.

My favorite question was about conditioning. A lot of you guys think weightlifting is all about snatch and clean and jerk, but that’s not the entire story. If you are strategic with your conditioning, you will get in great shape and increase work capacity. If you can perform more quality work than your competitor, over time you will handle more volume. That adds up to victory. Listen to the show to find out the different ways we condition.

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We cover a lot of other topics like:

  • Intra-Workout nutrition
  • Combining strength and conditioning
  • Strength off the floor in the pull
  • Injury prevention
  • Recovering from injuries

Don’t miss this one, guys. It’s your show today, so enjoy all of us answering your questions.

You can have a listen right here:

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