The Eze Squat Super Total Program

Before you get started on our latest FREE 12-week Program, check out a few offers from Team Mash Elite and help support the cause:

Check out the “Mash Squat Every Day” E-Book with 4 twelve week programs for weightlifting, powerlifting, super total, and bodybuilding. Find out more below:

>>>Mash Squat Every Day<<<

Join Team Mash Mafia for weightlifting, powerlifting, athletic performance, bodybuilding, running, or a hybrid approach. This team is already taking over weightlifting, and I plan on taking over all of the other disciplines one at a time. Check it out below:

>>>Team Mash Mafia<<<

The Squat Every Day Learn 2 Lift Clinic is coming to Orlando, Kentucky, and Canada. To find out more, check out the link below:

Mash Mafia Squat Every Day Learn 2 Lift Clinic

The Eze Squat Super Total Program

Several years ago, I released a program to strengthen an athlete’s front squat. The program was called the “Eze Front Squat Program” after the very athlete that I designed the program for. To date this is one or our most popular Free Programs.

Yesterday, I wrote a new program for one of my online team members. I loved some of the new concepts that we used, and I decided to release a version to all of you. My readers are the heartbeat of Team Mash Elite. Without all of you we would just be a bunch of meatheads lifting in some cold dungeon.

Dave Tate taught me a longtime ago to give 4 times as much Free Material compared to the material that I sale. I have always tried to stick to that rule. I love the barbell. I have spent my whole life trying to understand the cold steel. The fact that all of you want to learn more about the barbell gives a little more meaning to my life.

This program is designed to strengthen the Snatch, Clean & Jerk, Squat, Bench, and Deadlift. It is also designed to strengthen and stabilize the Front Squat. This plan should bring lots of gains to the squat, deadlift, and the Olympic lifts.

It is a simple plan. I only included the basics. If you have more time to get jacked for summer, here are a few assistance exercises to add in:

Upper Body suggested sets and reps
Pull-Ups 3 x submaximal reps
Weighted Push-ups 3 x submaximal reps
Bentover Rows 3 x 5-10
Dips 3 x submaximal reps
KB Upright Rows 3 x 5-10
Muscle-Ups 3 x submaximal reps
Rope Climb 3 sets
DB Tricep Extensions 3 x 5-10
Axle Bar Curls 3 x 5-10

Lower Body suggested sets and reps
Lunges 3 x 10 ea leg
Unilateral RDLS 3×6-8 reps per leg
Carries 3 x 30-60 seconds

Just a heads up, I have included a new concept to my workout. There are some plus sets, which means that the athlete will be asked to do as many past that rep scheme as possible. I don’t want these taken to failure. I want you to stop with a rep or two in the tank. It will look like this:

5RM(1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2×5 not paused with last set 5+

Everything is the same as all of my other programs except on the last down set I am asking you to push it past the 5 reps.

This program should taper you for a massive 5-lift total. I hope you guys enjoy this plan. Remember if you enjoy these articles, you might want to check out the “Mash Squat Every Day” E-Book. There are four twelve week programs in that book along with a lot of cool information.

Check it out here >>>Mash Squat Every Day E-Book<<<

Week 1-4
Day 1 Week 1
High Bar Back Squat with Belt 5RM(1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2×5 not paused with last set 5+
Snatch 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% 2×3, 77% x 2, 82% x 1

Day 2
Clean & Jerk 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% 2×3, 77% x 2, 82% x 1
Bench Press 10RM, then -10% for 2×10

Day 3
Front Squat 3RM(Pausing all reps 7 sec in bottom and 15sec at top), then -10% for 2×3 all paused
Deadlift 5RM(1st 2 reps paused 5 sec 2″ off Ground), then -10% for 2×5 not paused

Day 4
Snatch Max Effort Snatch Pull x 2, Snatch x2, Hang Snatch x 1, and OH Squat x 2 Max
Clean & Jerk Max Effort Clean Pull x 2, Clean x 2, Front Squat x 2, and Jerk x 2 Max
Closegrip Bench Press 5RM, then -10% for 2×5 (last set is 5+)

Day 5
Back Squat with Belt 10RM, then -10% for 2×10
Strict Presses 10RM, then -10% for 2×10
Alternate Stance Deadlifts 5RM, then -10% for 2×5

Week 1-4
Day 1 Week 2
High Bar Back Squat with Belt 5RM(1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2×5 not paused with last set 5+
Snatch 55% x 3, 65% x 3, 75% 2×3, 80% 2 x 2, 85% 2 x 1

Day 2
Clean & Jerk 55% x 3, 65% x 3, 75% 2×3, 80% 2 x 2, 85% 2 x 1
Bench Press 10RM, then -10% for 2×10

Day 3
Front Squat 3RM(1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2×3 not paused
Deadlift 5RM(1st 2 reps paused 5 sec 2″ off Ground), then -10% for 2×5 not paused

Day 4
Snatch Max Effort Snatch Pull x 1, Snatch x2, Hang Snatch x 1, and OH Squat x 2 Max
Clean & Jerk Max Effort Clean Pull x 1, Clean x 2, Front Squat x 2, and Jerk x 2 Max
Closegrip Bench Press 5RM, then -10% for 2×5 (last set is 5+)

Day 5
Back Squat with Belt 10RM, then -10% for 2×10
Strict Presses 10RM, then -10% for 2×10
Alternate Stance Deadlifts 5RM, then -10% for 2×5

Day 1 Week 3
High Bar Back Squat with Belt 5RM(1st rep paused 1 sec), then -10% for 2×5 not paused with last set 5+
Snatch 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 65% 2×3, 72% x 2, 80% x 1

Day 2
Clean & Jerk 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 65% 2×3, 72% x 2, 80% x 1
Bench Press 8RM, then -10% for 2×8

Day 3
Front Squat 3RM(Pausing all reps 7 sec in bottom and 15sec at top), then -10% for 2×3 all paused
Deadlift 5RM(1st 2 reps paused 3 sec 2″ off Ground), then -10% for 2×5 not paused

Day 4
Snatch Max Effort Snatch Pull x 1, Snatch x2, Hang Snatch x 1, and OH Squat x 1 Max
Clean & Jerk Max Effort Clean Pull x 1, Clean x 2, Front Squat x 1, and Jerk x 2 Max
Closegrip Bench Press 5RM, then -10% for 2×5 (last set is 5+)

Day 5
Back Squat with Belt 8RM, then -10% for 2×8
Strict Presses 8RM, then -10% for 2×8
Alternate Stance Deadlifts 5RM, then -10% for 2×5

Day 1 Week 4
High Bar Back Squat with Belt 5RM, then -10% for 5+
Snatch 55% x 3, 65% x 3, 75% 1×3, 80% 1 x 2, 85% 1 x 1, 88% 1×1

Day 2
Clean & Jerk 55% x 3, 65% x 3, 75% 1×3, 80% 1 x 2, 85% 1 x 1, 88% 1×1
Bench Press 8RM, then -10% for 8

Day 3
Front Squat 3RM(Pausing all reps 5 sec in bottom and 12sec at top), then -10% for 3 not paused
Deadlift 3RM(1st 2 reps paused 3 sec 2″ off Ground), then -10% for 3 not paused

Day 4
Snatch Max Effort Snatch Pull x 1, Snatch x 1, Hang Snatch x 1, and OH Squat x 1 Max
Clean & Jerk Max Effort Clean Pull x 1, Clean x 2, Front Squat x 1, and Jerk x 1 Max
Closegrip Bench Press 5RM, then -10% for 5+

Day 5
Back Squat with Belt 8RM, then -15% for 8
Strict Presses 8RM, then -10% for 8
Alternate Stance Deadlifts 5RM

Day 1 Week 5
High Bar Back Squat with Belt 3RM(1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2×3 not paused with last set 3+
Snatch 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% x2, 75% 2×2, 80% x 1, 85%2×1

Day 2
Clean & Jerks 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% x2, 75% 2×2, 80% x 1, 85%2×1
Bench Press 5RM, then -10% for 2×5 (last set is 5+)

Day 3
Front Squat 3RM(Pausing all reps 5 sec in bottom and 12sec at top), then -10% for 2×3 all paused
Deadlift 3RM(1st rep paused 5 sec at Knee), then -10% for 2×3 not paused
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts 4×6

Day 4
Snatch Max Effort Snatch Pull x 1, Snatch x2, Hang Snatch x 1, and OH Squat x 1 Max
Clean & Jerk Max Effort Clean Pull x 1, Clean x 2, Front Squat x 1, and Jerk x 2 Max
Closegrip Bench Press 3RM, then -10% for 2×3 last set is 3+

Day 5
Back Squat with Belt 5RM, then -10% for 2×5 with last set 5+
Strict Presses 5RM, then -10% for 2×5
RDLs 3×8

Day 1 Week 6
High Bar Back Squat with Belt 3RM(1st rep paused 3 sec), then -10% for 2×3 not paused with last set 3+
Snatch 53% x 3, 63% x 3, 73% x2, 78% 2×2, 83% 2x 1, 88% 2×1

Day 2
Clean & Jerks 53% x 3, 63% x 3, 73% x2, 78% 2×2, 83% 2x 1, 88% 2×1
Bench Press 5RM, then -10% for 2×5 (last set is 5+)

Day 3
Front Squat 3RM(Pausing all reps 5 sec in bottom and 12sec at top), then -10% for 2×3 all paused
Deadlift 3RM(1st rep paused 5 sec at Knee), then -10% for 2×3 not paused
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts 4×6

Day 4
Snatch Max Effort Snatch Pull x 1 and Snatch x2 Max
Clean & Jerk Max Effort Clean Pull x 1, Clean x 1, Front Squat x 1, and Jerk x 1 Max
Closegrip Bench Press 3RM, then -10% for 2×3 last set is 3+

Day 5
Back Squat with Belt 5RM, then -10% for 2×5 with last set 5+
Strict Presses 5RM, then -10% for 2×5
RDLs 3×8

Day 1 Week 7
High Bar Back Squat with Belt 3RM(1st rep paused 1 sec), then -10% for 2×3 not paused with last set 3+
Snatch 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% 2×2, 77% x 2, 83% x1

Day 2
Clean & Jerks 50% x 3, 60% x 3, 70% 2×2, 77% x 2, 83% x1
Bench Press 5RM, then -10% for 2×5 (last set is 5+)

Day 3
Front Squat 3RM(Pausing all reps 5 sec in bottom and 12sec at top), then -10% for 2×3 all paused
Deadlift 3RM(1st rep paused 3 sec 2″ at Knee), then -10% for 2×3 not paused
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts 4×6

Day 4
Snatch Max Effort Snatch Pull x 1 and Snatch x 1 Max
Clean & Jerk Max Effort Clean x 1, Front Squat x 1, and Jerk x 1 Max
Closegrip Bench Press 3RM, then -10% for 2×3 last set is 3+

Day 5
Back Squat with Belt 5RM, then -10% for 2×5 with last set 5+
Strict Presses 5RM, then -10% for 2×5
RDLs 3×8

Day 1 Week 8
High Bar Back Squat with Belt 3RM, then -10% for 3+
Snatch 55% x 3, 65% x 3, 78% 1×2, 83% 1 x 2, 88% 1 x 1, 90% 1×1

Day 2
Clean & Jerks 55% x 3, 65% x 3, 78% 1×2, 83% 1 x 2, 88% 1 x 1, 90% 1×1
Bench Press 5RM, then -10% for 5+

Day 3
Front Squat 1RM(Pausing all reps 3 sec in bottom and 10 sec at top), then -10% for 3+ not paused
Deadlift 1RM(paused 3 sec at Knee), then -15% for 3 not paused
BB Elevated Hip Thrusts 4×6

Day 4
Snatch Max Effort Max Snatch
Clean & Jerk Max Effort Max Clean & Jerk
Closegrip Bench Press 3RM, then -10% for 3+

Day 5
Back Squat with Belt 5RM, then -10% for 2×5
Strict Presses 5RM, then -10% for 2×5
RDLs 3×8

Day 1 Week 9
Snatch 70% x2, 75% x1, 80% x 1, 85% 2×1, 90×1, 93% 1×1
Back Squat with Belt 3RM, then -10% for 2×3

Day 2
Clean & Jerk 70% x2, 75% x1, 80% x 1, 85% 2×1, 90×1, 93% 1×1
Bench Press 3RM, then -10% for 2×3 (last set is 3+)

Day 3
Front Squat 3RM(Pausing all reps 3 sec in bottom and 10sec at top), then -10% for 2×3 all paused
Deadlift 10×1 EMOM starting at 75% and working up slowly if miss drop down

Day 4
Snatch Max Effort Snatch (competition style 3 attempts)
Clean & Jerk Max Effort Clean & Jerk (competition style 3 attempts)
Closegrip Bench Press 5RM, then -10% for 2×5 (last set is 5+)

Day 5
Back Squat with Belt 5RM, then -10% for 2×5
Strict Presses 3RM, then -10% for 2×3
Deadlift off 4″ Blocks 3RM, then -10% for 2×3

Day 1 Week 10
Snatch 70% x2, 75% x2, 80% x 1, 85% 2×1
Back Squat with Belt 3RM, then -10% for 2×3

Day 2
Clean & Jerk 70% x2, 75% x2, 80% x 1, 85% 2×1
Bench Press 3RM, then -10% for 2×3 (last set is 3+)

Day 3
Front Squat 3RM(Pausing all reps 3 sec in bottom and 10sec at top), then -10% for 2×3 all paused
Deadlift 12×1 EMOM starting at 75% and working up slowly if miss drop down

Day 4
Snatch Max Effort Snatch (competition style 3 attempts)
Clean & Jerk Max Effort Clean & Jerk (competition style 3 attempts)
Closegrip Bench Press 3RM, then -10% for 2×3 (last set is 3+)

Day 5
Back Squat with Belt 5RM, then -10% for 2×5
Strict Presses 1RM, then -20% for 3
Deadlift off 4″ Blocks 1RM, then -20% for 2×3

Day 1 Week 11
Snatch Work up to at least Opener
Back Squat with Belt 3RM, then -10% for 2×3

Day 2
Clean & Jerk Work up to at least Opener
Bench Press 2RM (This will be your opener), then -15% for 2×3

Day 3
Front Squat 1RM(Pausing all reps 3 sec in bottom and 10sec at top), then -15% for 2×3 all paused
Deadlift 2RM this will be opener

Day 4
Snatch Max Effort Snatch (competition style 3 attempts)
Clean & Jerk Max Effort Clean & Jerk (competition style 3 attempts)
Closegrip Bench Press 1RM, then -15% for 2×3

Day 5
Back Squat with Belt Take 90% for 5RM for 2×5
Strict Presses off
Deadlift off 4″ Blocks 1RM

Day 1 Week 12
Snatch Snatch Max but no misses
Back Squat with Belt 90% of 3RM for 1×3

Day 2
Clean & Jerk Work up to Clean & Jerk opener
Bench Press work up to 85% for 1

Day 3
Front Squat 1RM
Deadlift off

Day 4
Snatch Max Effort Max Snatch
Clean & Jerk Max Effort Max Clean & Jerk
Closegrip Bench Press off

Day 5
Back Squat with Belt Max Squat
Strict Presses Max Bench Press
Deadlift off 4″ Blocks Max Deadlift

2 thoughts on “The Eze Squat Super Total Program”

  1. Thanks for the great programming! Needed a few clarifications:

    does Snatch Max Effort Snatch Pull x 2, Snatch x2, Hang Snatch x 1, and OH Squat x 2 Max mean;1 x snatch to a max for the day. Then a complex of (2xsnatch pull, 2xsnatch, 2xhang snatch, and 2xOHS) to a max for the day?

    And for alternate stance DL just mean conventional vs sumo or are there any other stances you recommend?

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