Thoughts to Improve Performance and Life

Remember we will be in Kissimmee, FL on March 28-29 at Obsessive CrossFit Disorder, and then Zach Even-Esh and I are teaming up May 16-17 for the best Certification Ever! Check out all of the Learn 2 Lift Certs. below:

Learn 2 Lift Certs

Thoughts to Improve Performance and Life

There are so many thoughts that have gone through my mind this week that I thought would be awesome for you guys. Lately I feel so inspired with new ideas, and my passion will always be to pass those on to make all of your lives better. Yesterday I was at MuscleDriver USA, and I found myself walking around smiling, coaching, and having the time of my life. Today I was at the Mash Compound doing the exact thing. I looked around at my gym, and I was overcome with emotion because I realized that I loved my gym for the first time in two years. It’s not that I didn’t love my old place. It’s just a lot of things happened like losing Lisa G., and it was time for a change.

The new place is beautiful. My wife and our friend Mark made sure of that with their amazing art work on the walls. Basically, I simply love the role that God has placed me in right now. I love the people that I coach, and the places that I coach them. It reminds me of the phrase that my former athlete and current friend Jon North always says, “Love your life or change it”. He is so right!


If you aren’t happy with your current situation, then at least make steps to work toward what you want in life. If you don’t know what you want, set time aside to pray and meditate on that thing. Either way you will be taking steps toward a new place in life. I have learned that people can live with their situations in life if they are working on getting to the place that they belong. All people really need is hope. Besides it’s working your way out of bad situations that you will remember for the rest of your life. That is the Grind man! That is what makes success so sweet.


The other thought that I want to leave with you guys and gals will help you become better athletes. Here is the key to lifting bigger weights especially during PR and meet attempts. Find a pattern and stick to it! Whatever you do, whatever you think, and whatever you say, say it every rep of every lift. It’s like shooting foul shots. It allows the shooter, or in our case the lifter go into a type of auto pilot. The key is to especially do this when attempting PRs. We all have a tendency to change what we do when we go for a PR, which causes us to mess it up a lot of the time.

Here is a beautiful thought that one of my elite female lifters sent me today. She wants to remain anonymous, so I will just say enjoy:

Staring at a loaded barbell with weights I’ve never attempted before produces a certain type of anxiety unique to the experience. In a matter of seconds you could walk away the victor of the iron or on the other hand could be a discouraged heap of lifter lying next to the barbell which crushed you on the platform. Those few seconds before attempting a PR are crucial. If you allow the flicker of self doubt to spark a flame all is lost. Put out the negativity immediately or just leave right then and there because the barbell has already won. Confidence is absolutely the key to success, and this is only something I have recently realized and began to apply to my lifting. This is common among female weightlifters. We are scared of the weight, afraid of failure, worried we might not make the lift in front of other lifters, anxious about the discomfort of grinding through a lift. And so often because of this fear and self doubt we fail before we have started. We quit on the lift and ourselves as athletes. Technique changes take hundreds of reps to ingrain. Getting stronger takes months and years. But a change of mindset can happen in an instant. Next time you approach that heavy barbell, dispel the self-doubt and second guessing. Be aggressive when you approach the bar. Be confident in your abilities. Believe in the lift. Believe in yourself. You’ll be surprised at how much more you can accomplish, on and off the platform.

Look guys join our online Mash Mafia Team! We are just a bunch of athletes wanting to reach our own specific goals. Some of these guys and gals are weightlifters, powerlifters, CrossFitters, and some are just trying to get jacked. Go to

If you want to join the best Online Teams in America, Click on the Links Below:

Eat & Lift What You Want

Mash Mafia Online Team

Online Coaching with Coach Mash

This week we released the Online GridStyle Team, and it is awesome! Come get a program that is tailored to your own genetics to make your strengths stronger while eliminating all weaknesses! Check it out:

Online Team GridStyle

My Learn 2 Lift Seminar Series kicks off again in March. I will be at Obsessive CrossFit Disorder in Kissimmee, FL March 28-29. Go to to sign up!

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