Thursday – December 29th, 2016

Oly Work

  • Kneeling Snatch 10×2 35kgs
  • Bent over snatch shrugs 5×10 30kgs
  • Snatch Shrugs 5×10 80kg

I added a little bit of weight to all my snatch exercise this week, which felt good. I plan on slowly, very slowly increasing all my kneeling lifts, until I’m allowed to snatch on my feet again. A small increase in the kneeling lifts, especially the snatch, makes a BIG difference. Which makes them so frustrating. But I’m happy to have some exercises that keep my body and hips moving fast.

Bro Session – Back

  • Pullups 3×8 and 5×5
  • Band Lat pulls 3x10e + 3×10 both + Plate Flex/ext 3×10 20kg
  • KB Upright Row 5×5 50lb + band face pulls 3×10 red band
  • GHD Back ext. 3×10 35kg

Body weight 63.1kg

Days Until I get to try to walk: 18

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