To Be a Champion, Find a Sport that You Love!

Key to Success is Loving What You Do


I had the most fun podcast of my career today. The Carolina Crush owners Ken Crowder and Paul Klein joined the Barbell Life crew for an epic podcast. We talked about the plans for the first expansion team into the Grid League in 2015. I also announced my bid for the 2015 Grid League. If you listen to the podcast, you will here my excitement. I feel rejuvenated!

The key is that the Grid training is exciting and fun. Sometimes we make ourselves compete in weightlifting and powerlifting because we think that is all that there is. I love both sports, but after 30 years, I am looking for something a little different. I want strength, athleticism, and conditioning. I have missed the athleticism of football ever since I walked away from the gridiron. I have also missed going to battle with a team. The Grid brings it all to life!

If you want to be successful in the world of fitness, find a place that you love. If you love it, you will put in the time required to master the sport. It takes about 10 years of total dedication to master any sport. If you don’t love it, no one will spend 10 years trying to master what he or she doesn’t love. There are so many avenues in fitness now: weightlifting, powerlifting, Grid, CrossFit, Spartan Races, and more. Find the aspect that you love, and then set out to master it.

The Grid Training appeals to me because it consists of all the things that I do well like weightlifting, some powerlifting, strongman, sprinting, and even some jumping. However, it has a lot of new challenges that I am excited about as well like gymnastics and team transitions. For the last two weeks, my man Will Hall has been working with me on little things that will make me faster. Multi-rep jerks and snatches require precision and rhythm. These new proponents absolutely intrigue the fire out of me.

Last night was the first time in years that a dream woke me up. I dreamed about a deadlift ladder that would win or lose a match. I was head to head against Danny Nichols. In my dream, we were going tick for tack, and then I woke up as we both grabbed the final bar. Boom!!! That’s what I am talking about. I am so ready to compete again! I am ready to be the best again. However, this time I want to inspire the world to get off the couch and take responsibility for their health.

God has given me a talent and an opportunity. I want to motivate the world with God’s love and a desire as Unto the Lord. I joke a lot about winning and being the best, but the real goal this time is to inspire and lead people down a better path. If you are chasing a goal only to bring yourself honor and glory, you are heading down a very lonely path.

One big key to success in athletics is the team of people that you surround yourself with. I am in the process of picking my team right now. I already have my soft tissue guy, Dr. Gray of Gray Chiropractic. I am looking and interviewing a top-notch nutrition guy or gal. I am looking for a supplement sponsor right now. There is one that has committed, but we are going over all the details. I am looking for a solid coach to help me with programming. Yes I could do my own, but I want feedback from someone else. I don’t want to miss anything, so it’s good to have outside input. Last, I am only training with the most positive people on earth. I want people to compete against, and people that support one another. Negativity will not be tolerated.

Here are the keys to long-term success in fitness:

1. Compete in a sport that you love, and that fits your passions and abilities.
2. Compete and live for something bigger than yourself.
3. Commit 10 years to mastering a sport!
4. Surround yourself with a team of people that are supportive and that can help you get there.
5. Negative people have no place in your corner

Here are the traits that the individual must have for success:

1. Fearless attitude to try new things.
2. Discipline to commit to training in a sport for 10 years.
3. Perseverance to never quit when things get hard, and they will get hard.
4. Optimistic outlook that being a champion will happen. Most people simply can’t see it, so they never will.
5. Focused!

Look, find something that you love! Don’t settle for something that you like. Keep looking until it fits who you are. There are too many avenues to compete in to settle for something that you don’t love. Once you find it, realize that it will be 10 years until you master it. Once you grasp that it will be 10 years, you will then have the patience necessary to persevere.

Becoming a champion is never easy. It takes a lot of discipline and focus. If you find something that you are totally passionate about, find a way to inspire others. All these factors together will lead to a long, successful, and fulfilling life. Now get off the couch, find a sport, and inspire the world to do the same.

Christmas Specials:

$50 off Online Coaching with Coach Mash use Coupon Code: MASHCOACHING

$50 off my Learn 2 Lift Seminar January 20th at the Mash Compound use Coupon Code: MASHSEMINAR

20% off all Apparel including the “I Do What I Want” T-Shirt use Coupon Code: MASHELITE

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We are hosting a Holiday Olympic Weightlifting Meet December 20th at the Mash Mafia Compound. Come hangout with the Mash Mafia Crew, some MDUSA Stars, Coach Mash, slam some bars, and of course KILL Some PRs! Click on the link to find out more:

December 20th Meet at the Mash Mafia Compound

We are hosting a New Year Learn 2 Lift Seminar at the Compound as well! January 10th and 11th come out and hang with Coach Mash and the Mash Mafia. Weightlifting Day 1 and Powerlifting Day 2. Come to one or both days just click on the link to find out more:

New Year Learn 2 Lift at the Mash Mafia Compound

To check out one of the Online Teams, click on one of the following on links:

Eat What You Want! Lift What You Want!

Online Coaching and Mentoring with Coach Mash

Mash Mafia Online Team

Or if you are interested in hosting a Learn 2 Lift Seminar on the topics of Olympic Weightlifting, Powerlifting, Athletic Performance, and/or Eat What You Want Nutrition email me at:

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