Today’s Max Out Friday!

Day 5
Snatch max, 80/2(3 total misses)
Clean & Jerk max, 80/2(3 total misses)
Push Press 3RM, then -10%
Muscle Snatch 5 RM


4 rounds for reps of:

1:00 ME Wall Balls 20/14#
0:30 Rest
1:00 ME KBS 32/24kg
0:30 Rest
1:00 Burpee Over-the-Box Jumps 24/20″
0:30 Rest

Good-luck today everyone! I’m on my way to Long Island for a Level I “Learn 2 Lift” Seminar! Gaglione Strength is hosting, and the seminar is Booked! I’m blessed to be teaching Barbell Movements that I’ve loved my whole life. The world is falling in love with the Barbell, and I’m a small part of that movement.

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