Today’s Workout, 5 Traits of a Great Athlete, Learn 2 Lift Seminars, & Videos


Snatch HS
Clean & Jerk HS, 80/2&1
Front Squat 90%/1
Pullups 3×10 BW

3 rounds for time of:

10 Strict Pull-ups
9 Front Squats @ 70%
10 Burpees

5 Necessities of a Great Athlete:

1. Relative Strength! Pound for pound strength or efficiently handling one’s own Bodyweight. Knowing your body fat percentage, and being aware of nutrition is important in this category. Getting fatter and just a little stronger doesn’t cut it.

2. Mobility! If an athlete can’t move, they will never be successful. So get mobile!

3. Ability to Overcome Fearl! All great athletes are able to overcome all doubts. No one is without fear, but great athletes learn to conquer all fears!

4. Goal Oriented! Michael Jordan’s of the world don’t happen by accident. Learn to set goals and to make plans to achieve them!

5. Work Ethic! Nobody out works a champion! That’s why they are the champions!

I’m excited for our upcoming “Learn 2 Lift” Seminars:

October 26th in Greensboro, NC at Top Performance Health & Fitness

November 9th in Wilkesboro, NC at Wilkesboro Crossfit

November 23rd in Long Island, NY at Gaglione’s Gym

For more information on “Learn 2 Lift” Seminars, Online Programming, or any of our other products, go to:

Or to host a L2L Seminar or for any other questions email me at:

Some videos to check out:

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