Today’s Workout and a Max Out Friday Tour!


Day 3
Clean Pulls/2, Clean/1, Front Squat/2, & Jerk/1 max, then -10%
Front Squat Max 5 RM, then -5% and -10%(next week down session of pauses)
Clean Pulls from Box 3×3 105%
Push Press 5RM , then -5% and -10%

3 rounds for time of:

Run 400m
20 Pull-ups
20 OHS 95/65#

We are the busiest that we have ever been at MashElite. We have: Smashed CrossFit, MashMafia Weightlifting and Powerlifting , Training For Warriors with Coach Chris, MashElite Athletic Performance, and Personal Training. Everyone has a Coach! Everyone is getting better! Last Friday, I made a little video detailing what goes on. Only thing not included is most of the Weightlifting Team because by this time of the day, they are coaching. You see videos of them all the time anyway. Here is the video:

For any questions regarding Learn 2 Lift Seminars or Online Coaching, go to:

Or if you are interested in hosting a Learn 2 Lift Seminar on the topics of Olympic Weightlifting, Powerlifting, or Athletic Performance, email me at:

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