Tomorrow’s Workout 11/11/13


Day 1
Snatch HS(allowed one miss), 85/2×3
Clean & Jerk HS(allowed two misses), 85/2×3
Squats 3 reps x 4 sets, -25%/10
Goodmornings 8 Reps x 3 ss KB Rowing High Pulls/10


3 rounds for time of:



Thrusters 95/65#

Lots of volume this week! Buckle up!

6 thoughts on “Tomorrow’s Workout 11/11/13”

  1. Brehesner Montoya

    Snatch grip deadlift heavy single = 139kg substituted for snatch because of my shoulder.
    Heavy single Clean and Jerk = 107kg, missed 111 twice, working on keeping my back tight at the start, which is tough for me but had some positive signs of improvement.
    Max 4×3 squats= 143kg, down set of 107kg for 10.
    Kettlebell rowing high pulls with 15 pounds.

  2. I was pretty wrecked from competing yesterday so I went easy on the squats and skipped the accessories but I will be back on the program tomorrow. Also check out my blog and follow me on twitter @onlyscubasteve
    Snatch: 105 miss, 105×1, 110 miss, drop sets at 90
    Clean and jerk: 130×1, 140 miss jerk, drop sets at 110
    Back squat: 140×3

  3. Not the best day ever. I didn’t get enough rest this weekend but mainly wrecked from the deadlift on Saturday. My back was weak today.

    Snatch HS: 94 kg, 80 kg down sets
    C&J HS: 110 kg, 120 kg missed jerk (this was pretty awful today), 100 sets
    Squat 3 x 4: 170 kg, 175 kg, 175 kg, skipped last set, 130 kg down set
    Good mornings 70 kg ss KB high pull rows 40 lbs

    I asked Travis for assistance work that would strengthen my back in all positions, so I’m focusing on strict form with the good mornings right now and will begin to work up in weight over the next few weeks.

  4. Rough start to the week. I had plenty of rest this weekend it was just one of those days.

    Snatch (Heavy Single) 96kg, drop set 80kg
    Clean and Jerk (Heavy Single) 120kg drop set 102kg
    Front Squat 4×3 140kg,140kg, 144kg, skipped last set Drop set 108kgx10
    Good Mornings 70kg

    Follow me on Twitter @jurassicbarbell

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