Training Journal for Coach Mash January 18th

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• “Squat Every Day”
• “Eat What You Want”
• “Squat Every Day 2”
• “No Weaknesses”
• “Mash Program Sampler”
• “The Mash Blueprint for Program Design”

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No Weaknesses Paying Off

Yesterday I started my training off at TFW Winston-Salem with my training partner Chris Ox Mason. This is the day that we perform our “no weaknesses” training combined with conditioning and mobility. I think that Ox is on to something with these workouts. They have improved my conditioning by 100%, but they do way more than that.

Once my heart rate returns to normal, they leave me feeling better. I have PRed my Front Squat two-weeks in a row during the evening session after these workouts. This week I hit a massive marker of 227k/500lb in the Front Squat, and I believe that I owe a big percentage of these improvements to these workouts. Our mobility is focused on the following:

• Overall hip movement
• Squat Quality
• Thoracic Spine Movement

The “No Weaknesses” or muscular imbalance and stability work is focused on:

• Scapula Stabilization
• Overhead stability
• Core Stabilization with different versions of carries

Here’s what the workouts looked like:

-Round 1 (3 Rounds of the following)

• 20 second sprint on Aerodyne Bike
• Trap Bar Carry 40 yd
• Leap Frogs x 10

-Round 2 (3 Rounds of the following)
• 20 seconds sprint on Aerodyne Bike
• One Arm Kettlebell Overhead Carry 20yd ea arm
• Med Ball Rotations into wall 5 per side

-Round 3 (3 Rounds of the following)
• 20 seconds sprint on Aerodyne Bike
• Bear Hug Carry 100+lb Heavy Bar 40yd
• Grasshoppers 5 per leg

This workout was tough. We took two minutes between rounds. Within 30-minutes afterwards, I felt better than when I walked in. I believe that this is the key to a great workout. You don’t need to be crushed for two-days to consider something a good workout.

A couple of good things that happened during the workout:

1. I was able to use the most weight yet in the kettlebell bottom up carries. This is a huge advantage for me. I fractured a cervical vertebra in 2007, which dramatically affected the strength in my left arm. Ever since that accident, I normally spin towards the right, which is my dominant arm. For the last three weeks, I have caught all of my snatches without turning or stepping. This is a huge objective marker that confirms the effectiveness of these workouts.

2. I was able to complete the workout without quitting or redlining. I have asthma. Asthma can really send me into a panic when I lose my breath. The only hard part was bear hugging the heavy bag. Two weeks ago, I had to quit because this movement sent me into a panic. I was able to cruise through the movement this week.

3. My Hip Mobility has improved a great deal. You can look at my Instagram @coachtravismash and you will see my squats improving week to week both in depth and position. Yesterday’s 227k/500lb was the deepest and best position of all my recent squats.

Since the workouts have very little eccentric contractions or joint loading, they are easily recovered from. Actually the carries and movement work get my muscles activated and moving better than ever for my evening workouts. I am able to warm-up quicker and move better than ever for the second workout each day.

I give Ox Mason full credit for developing these great workouts. Our workouts are finished on less than an hour including our warm-up. We end the workout rolling each other out with Donnie Thompson’s awesome mobility tools like the “ex-wife”. They really help to break up scar tissue and improve muscle tissue. I have never experience workouts that kicked my butt like these that also left me feeling better for the rest of the day. Coach Mason’s unique combinations are perfect. Maybe you guys can get some cool ideas.

You can see some video clips on my Instagram: @coachtravismash

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• Eat What You Want
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