Training Log – Monday, January 30, 2017

So begins Week 5!! 9 weeks out from my meet!! 🙂

You know it just might be a rough week when you wake up on Monday morning already walking like you are 80!! LOL

This week finishes the first block of my extended 14-week cycle, so this was exciting for 2 reasons: 1. Last week I do 5rm low bar on Monday (switches up in week 6) and 2. NO DOWNSETS!! For that very reason, I laid it out there for this week’s 5rm. I always try to leave a little in the tank on these training days. NOT TODAY.

Ended up PR’ing my 5rm Low Bar yet again this week! The most exciting part of it is that this was my newly set 1rm in a National competition setting in October AND it was definitely a true 1rm at the time.


Deadlifts were the same scheme as last week with starting at 70% (250#/116k) building 6×1 to around 90% (320#/145.5k) with a 2 second pause 2″ off the ground. I am very said that for some reason this video did not take! It felt so much better than last week’s final set. NO BELT!!

I had this week off from my ss of box jumps

Accessory Work:

  • Elevated BB hip thrusts 3×8 with 115# (used axle bar)
  • BB Lunges 3×8 each leg (RPE8) with 75# *my quads were smoked!

Looking forward to a great week of training finishing up at the Mash Compound 🙂

Follow me on IG @crystalmaccf

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