Training Log – Thursday, February 23, 2017 (cardio what??)

Yesterday morning, when I woke up, I didn’t think I would be doing our gym workout at 5am. As it was, I only had one person at 5am and it was an 800m run every round. We aren’t in a shady part of town, but a woman shouldn’t be running alone down our street that early in the morning, so…..I did it with her. I went at a recovery pace, but it didn’t really hurt any less. AMRAP30: 800m run, 3 rope climbs, 20 burpees. The final tally was 2 miles, 10 rope climbs, and 60 burpees. I try my best to condition at least 3 times a week through longer aerobic, strongman movements, or row/bike intervals. I may be a powerlifter, but I enjoy being fit, not just strong! 🙂

Later in the day, I hit my usual Day 4 program. Have to say the hip and hammies were lit and so I changed my set up on bench slightly as to not get a cramp. All things considering, training went very well.

Speed Bench Alternate Grip (Close Grip) w/10% chains

  • 55%+chains 3×3 (95#+chains)
  • 65%+chains 3×3 (115#+chains)
  • 75%+chains 1×2 (130#+chains)
  • 3×1 working up – 140# – 150# – 155#+chains (5# more than last week)

ss with explosive block push-ups 5×6 and 4×4 (rest 60 sec b/t first 5 sets and 90 sec b/t last 4 sets) – was supposed to be 12″ but only got up to 7″ today.

Accessory Work:

  • Plate Lateral Raises 3 x 10 w/7.5# plates
  • Pull-ups 3 x submaximal DOH and strict 10/9/8 – not my best day on these
  • Banded row plus external rotation 3 x 10

Weight: 72.6k

Next Meet: April 8

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