What a day yesterday was! I’ve been fighting something all week and we’ve pretty much determined Morgan has the flu, so, needless to say, this week has been interesting.
I love my Day 4, which usually falls on Thursdays. I get a great chest/tricep pump due to the close grip bench press and some sort of push-up superset with it!
- Speed Bench (alternate grip – CG) w/10% chains
- 55% 4×3 (95#+chains)
- 65% 3×3 (115#+chains)
- 75% 1×2 (130#+chains)
- 78% 1×1 (135#+chains)
ss with explosive push-ups to 12″ for 5×5 and 4×4 with 60 sec rest b/t sets of 5 and 90 sec rest b/t sets of 4
Accessory Work:
- Plate Lateral Raises 3×10 w/5# plates
- Pull-ups 3x submaximal 10/10/10 all strict and DOH
- Banded rows into external rotation 3×10