Training Monday 12/26/17

A1) Front Squat: 5×5 @ 195#

A2) Box Jump: 5×5 @ 31.5″, 33″, 34″, 35″, 35″ I’m always wary of high box jumps w/ wooden boxes for fear of hitting my shins 🙁

B) Snatch Pull: 3×5 @ 77.5% (160#)

C) 3 Position Snatch (hip, above knee, below knee): 6 sets heavier than last time (130, 130, 130, 135, 135, 135#)

D) Bench Press: 5×5 @ 70% (115#) last set is an AMRAP (11 – no spotter)

E) Walking/Pokemon Hunting for 50 min 😉

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