A) Snatch Pulls:
- 4×3 @ 185#
B) Snatch Alternating EMOM:
- 1st min: Low Hang Snatch
- 2nd min: High Hang Snatch
- Don’t increase weight unless I make both lifts
- 5# jumps up from 145 to 175#
C) Snatch Deadlift: (reset each rep)
- up to heavy 6
- 235#
D) 3 Press + 6 Push Press + 9 Push Jerks up to a heavy set
- 100#
- Holy shoulders. This hurt
- 10 Pullups
- 20 HSPU
- 30 KB Snatches 1pood
- 40 DU
- 50 KBS (russian)
- 40 DU
- 30 KB Snatches
- 20 HSPU
- 10 Pullups
- 12:10