Tuesday – Feb 7th, 2017

It’s crazy how things can change from day to day. Yesterday, I was crying and upset all training, and today, was the most fun I’ve had in training in quite some time. One thing I’m beginning to realize is that often times my state of mind is determined by and is a result of how my training session went that day. This, is a problem. Now that I am aware of it, I can begin to change it, to better myself mentally. I don’t get have a plan of action, but I WILL come up with one.

For example, I went to the gym yesterday knowing that I had goblet squats (BORRRINGGG), really light OH squats and bench press. Not my favorites things to do, at all. I showed up with a bad attitude. I did my goblet squats outside so I didn’t have to talk to anyone and so I could just get them over with without being bothered. Then proceeded to do my OH squats, still without talking to anyone. I was doing them at 25kg’s, which was 10 more kgs then I was allowed last week, but still such light, tedious work. Then, Coach don said “Bigger put some weight on that bar” I grabbed 2.5kg plates intending to add only 5kgs, trying to be smart in my training. To my surprise, Coach Don said “Come on now, I want you to do at least 40Kgs” At that moment, my attitude immediately changed. He then let me go up to 50 and 55kgs for sets of 5 all with pauses. Although this is still very light weight relative to what I was doing before the surgery. It made me happy. I was actually ecstatic. Thus, showing how my attitude reflects my training.

Now, as I sit here typing out my training log, I realize that I still have a lot of work, mentally, to do. My physical strength will come back quickly, but my mental strength, is what will, if not improved upon, hold me back. I’m learning so much from this surgery, and this is only the beginning.

Anyways, here’s what I did yesterday.

  • Goblet Squats 5×10 50lbs +
    • KB Sumo Deadlifts 5×10 50kgs
  • OH Squats 5 Reps all paused up to 55kgs

Brosession – Upper body

  • Bench Press – 3×8 55kgs 3×5 60kgs
  • DB CG Pushups – 5×12 +
    • DB Tricep Rocking Rolls 5×12 20lbs
  • Tricep Pushdowns 100reps Red band

Core/ Outside play

  • Toes to bar 5×10
  • Banded Dead bugs 3x8e +
    • Plank 3x 30s
  • Bamboo Bar Carries 35lb KBS jerk grip and snatch grip x5 total

Days until my next Doc apt: 20

Bodyweight: 62.2


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