Tuesday – January 31st, 2017

Leg Stuff

  • Goblet Squats 5×10 40lbs
    • Felt super easy and comfortable
  • KB sumo deadlifts 5×10 40lbs
    • These were pretty easy, but this is a really uncomfortable position for me that I don’t get a lot of work in. I did them to open up my hips a bit and work different parts of the leg.
  • OH Squats 5×5 15kg
    • 1st time doing Over Head squats since the surgery. Wasn’t on the program today, but I wanted to do more work before I started my bro session. I convinced Don to let me do more and he decided on OHS. Hopefully next week I’ll get to put a bit of weight on the bar..

Bro Session – Chest and Tris

  • Bench Press 3×10 125lbs 3×6 130lbs
    • this is much more volume in the bench then I’ve been doing. Felt good though.
  • DB Close grip pushups 5×10 +
    • Tricep Extensions 5×15 30lbs

Outside Play

  • Work on Butter fly pull-ups
    • I do these just for fun. I have horrible rhythm, in anything I do.
  • Handstand walks (Kinda)
    • I can’t kick up off of my right foot, so I had to try and kick up with my left.  This actually makes things MUCH more difficult. I’m not very good as handstand walks anyways, so this made them even worse.
  • Hand Stand pushups (kipping) 5×10

It was a good, fun day of training. I’m just trying to stay sane, I shape and athletic.

Days until my next Doc appointment: 27

Body Weight: 62.9



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