Matt Vincent on Failure, YouTube Fame, and Business – The Barbell Life 191

Matt Vincent came to visit me here in North Carolina. I had the time of my life just hanging out with him and talking about life and lifting.

But one thing that really intrigued me was hearing this guy talk about business and social media. Yeah, he was a Highland Games champion and is still a strong dude. But really people just love to watch his videos and keep up with his social media because they’re so wrapped up in his personality.

Now he’s used all of this attention to grow HVIII brand into a massive business.

I wanted to get him on the podcast just to share all about it. If you’re a fitness professional wanting to market yourself, this is an awesome one for you to listen to. If you want to get some motivation and wisdom from a guy who will blow you away, then this is an awesome one for you to listen to. And if you just think Matt is hilarious and you want to get a behind-the-scenes peek, then this is an awesome one for you to listen to.
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  • Blogging? YouTube? Instagram?
  • His overnight success
  • 50K in debt from a bike shop at 22
  • Defending Planet Fitness?
  • One surefire way to kill your business
  • and more…

Or check out the video for this one:

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