W3D1 1/16

This Monday I made it to the compound to lift.  It’s always nice when I can, since I lift alone pretty much every day.  Not only is it good to get coaching in real time, but also to be training with the rest of the team.



  1. Jerk steps from split
    • 50×3, 60x3x2
  2. Clean and Jerk from Blocks at knee
    • 120×3, 130x2x2, 142×2, 147×1
    • these last few really were great.  Tweaks to the pull and set up made them basically fly up
  3. No Hook Power Cn from blocks
    • 70×3,80×3,90×2,100×2,110×2
  4. Cn Pulls
    • 160×2,170×2,175×2

These C&Js were awesome. Almost unfortunate that its a light week.


  1. Front Squat Paused 5sec RPE of 7
    • 135lbs,225,315,365
    • only had time for this


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