Wednesday – March 1st, 2017

13 Weeks post ankle Surgery.

Yesterday, Tuesday, I FINALLY had my 2nd follow up Doctors appointment. He retook x-rays of my ankle, said everything looked good, and gave me the green light to start training higher impact again!!! This gives me 10.5 weeks to train for National. Originally we thought my 1st meet was going to be the AO3 in September, but being able to get out on the big stage again so soon makes me SO excited! 10 weeks isn’t much, but I’m mentally and physically ready to give it everything I’ve got. (As soon as Coach Don let me wayways..)

Here was Tuesday Training.

  • Snatch up to 3×1 at 70kg
    • I’m very happy with this my 1st day back full snatching, the movement felt a bit unfamiliar, but I had no misses and they looked better than they felt.
  • Squat  3×10 65kg, 3×5 85kg (back and forth)
    • Squats felt good and strong, really light weight, but still strong

Upper Body Bro/ Conditioning

  • Incline DB Bench alternating 3×10 40lbs
  • Fat Grip OH DB carry 40lbs fwd/bkw +
    • Wall Facing Hand stand holds
  • 20 Minute row

We are slowly going to increase the volume and intensity of my workouts. I feel ready to go, ready to train hard, but I have to be smart. That’s going to be the hard part. That being said… Coach Don wasn’t around for Wednesdays training, and I probably wasn’t very smart… but man did I have fun!

Here’s what I did Wednesday.

  • FS up to single at 110kg
    • I had no idea what my leg strength would be coming in, but I REALLY wanted to see what my starting point was. I worked up to heavy (not max) and 110 is where I ended up. This is 24kg less than my best FS and still 5kgs less than I’ve cleaned before. But it’s a good starting point and I’m happy with it!
  • Power Clean + Clean off block to 90kg
    • Coach Don said I’m grounded again. I wasn’t supposed to work up that high, but I was catching the powers really high, the full cleans felt smooth, and I was just having so much fun. Whoops.
  • Deadlift 5×5 110


  • Row :30/:30 x10

Whelp, I’m super excited to be back, and can’t wait until Don lets me loose!

See ya at the Arnold this weekend??

Bodyweight: 61.3kg

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