What’s Possible Workout Week 1

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What’s Possible Workout


For the last 3 weeks, I have been experimenting with a workout that would meet all of my goals. I want to get better at Weightlifting, Powerlifting, Grid, Strongman, Bodybuilding, and Overall Conditioning. The key is to progress all of these without overtraining or getting hurt. I have finally devised a workout that meets all of these needs, and it is the most fun that I have had in a long time. I am going to release a new week, each and every week, so we can watch the program develop together.

You will notice principles from a lot of arenas. Of course there is a little Westside Barbell with max effort work, chains, EMOMs for dynamic effort, and all-around conjugate. There will be mobility everyday of course, but there will be three days designated for Mobility. So far I attribute this to my ability to progress without injury or major inflammation that I normally experience now that I am 42-years-old.


I think the biggest deterrent from training hard for athletes is pain and inflammation. No one wants to train when they are in tremendous pain. The key is lowering that pain level, so one can continue to enjoy training.

Here is the first week of the program:

Day 1 Oly/Lower Week 1
Clean Max Effort Blocks Bar at Mid Thigh Max triple
Front Squat 3RM w first rep paused 5 sec, then -20% for 2×5 no pauses
Clean Pulls from Blocks with Chains 3RM with chains, then -10% for 2×3 with chains
Unilateral RDLs 3 x 8 ea leg

Rowing Intervals

Day 2 Oly/Upper
Snatch Blocks Bar at Mid Thigh Max triple
Jerk from Blocks HS with 3 sec Pause in Catch, -20% for 3 No Pause
Overhead Endurance Heavy 5 Standing Press, Heavy 3 Push Press, Heavy 3 Push Jerk, then -20% of Push Jerk for 3 sets x 5 reps with max reps on last set (Monitor Rest with goal 1 minute)
Upper Body Pull-Ups, Dips, and Arms

Day 3 Recovery Day/Bodybuilding/Strongman
Row or Jump Rope 2-3 minutes
Total Body Mobility

Practice a Skill (muscle-ups, Rope Climbs, or HSPUs)

1a. Yoke Walk 20 Yards with a Heavy Weight and try to increase distance or weight ea week x 3
1b. Seated DB Clean & Press 3 sets x 15 reps
1c. Plank 60 sec and increase time or difficulty ea week x 3

2a. Tire Flip 500lb 3-5 Flips x 3 sets
2b. Plate Lateral Raises 3 x8-10
2c. Bird Dogs 3 x 5 touching elbow to knee with a 2 sec pause

3a. Prowler 180lb 3 x 20 yards
3b. Toes 2 Bar 3×10
3c. Jump Rope 30 sec practicing double unders


Day 4
20-30 minutes of Cardio

Day 5
Clean & Jerks 8 sets of 1 rep EMOM with weight paused 2 inches off Floor
Back Squat with 50 lbs. of Chains 1RM Paused 5 Sec, then -20% 3×3 no pause
Deadlift 8 sets of 1 rep EMOM with weight paused 2 inches off Floor
GHDs 3×8

Day 6
Snatch from Blocks 8 sets of 1 rep EMOM with weight paused 2 inches off Floor
Bench Press 5RM, then -10% for 5
Upper Body Pull-Ups, Dips, Push-Ups, & Arms

Day 7 Recovery Day/Bodybuilding/Strongman
Row or Jump Rope 2-3 minutes
Total Body Mobility

Overhead Squats with first rep paused 3 sec 3RM with pause, then -10% for 3 no pause, and -20% for max reps

1a. Bent over Rows 3×8
1b. Unilateral Farmers Carry 95lb x 20 yards x 3 sets (increase weight or distance ea week)
1c. Plank 60 sec and increase time or difficulty ea week x 3

Banded Hip Stretch as active recovery

2a. Face Pulls 3×12
2b. Overhead Axle Carries 95lb x 20 yards x 3 sets (increase weight or distance ea week)
2c. Bird Dogs 3 x 5 touching elbow to knee with a 2 sec pause

Sled Drags Backwards, forwards, and both sides for 2-3 sets of 20 yards

Foam Roll T-Spine

The other element that I have added is nutrition and supplementation. I am using the Eat What You Want Plan, where I am maintaining 40% Protein, 40% Carbs, and 20% Fats. This is a great place to start, and then I will tweak as my body fat continues to drop.

I am blessed to be a part of Team Competitive Edge Performance for my supplement needs. Their Grass Fed Whey Protein is the best tasting protein that I have ever had. I start my day with cold coffee mixed with two scoops, and it is delicious. I also use BCAAs, Zinc, Magnesium, Vitamin D (because I am a total white boy that doesn’t get in the sun), Ultra EPA, L-Tyrosine, and L-Taurine. Supplements are multi-purpose for me. They help me get in my protein requirements, and they are a major aid in recovery. You can do all the ice baths that you want, but if your supplement and nutrition isn’t on point, then you are going to over train.

If you decide to do the program, I would love to see results kept in the comments section. I will respond to them all.

I am still going to make a few more changes before I release the final workout. What suggestions do you guys have? I am totally open, and I would love feedback.

Comment with your questions and suggestions below! If I use your suggestions, I will for sure give you credit.

To get your own personal GridStyle Program, click here!

To get started on the Eat & Lift What You Want Plan, click here!

Learn 2 Lift Clinics are selling out! Click here to see the one near you or to inquire about hosting one!

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