Workouts 10/16&17/13 and Some of my Own Training


Sorry I’m late on this week’s workouts. We are all getting ready for a huge weekend. Next week will begin a whole new training cycle focusing on getting my rookies stronger. We have succeeded in getting their pulls efficient. Now it’s time to get them strong! Get ready for squats, complexes, pulls, and all things Jacked!

Snatch 80/1 x 3
Clean & Jerk work up to minimum
Front Squat 85%/1

For time:

50 KB Swings 24/16kg


21-15-9 of:

Wall Balls 20/14#
C2B Pull-ups

Angel Drops watch video
Hit & Catch Cleans

Here are some of my personal workouts for this week:

Snatch 120k/1, 101/2
Squats 200k/5
Sn Pulls 135/2k x 3

P. Snatch 100/1,105k/1
P. Clean 120/1, 130k/1

clean & j 140k/1&1, 120/2, 130/2, 140/1
Front Squats 175/1, 192/1, 200k/1, 180/1 paused
Push Press 90k/2, 80/3×2
Pull-ups 3×3

I’m not competing this weekend, so I’m getting a slight jump on next week’s madness. However, the volume will be much higher.

Here are a few highlights!

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